Apply Visualization Level Filters
Remove Visualization Level Filters
Contrary to “Dataset Level Filters”, Visualization level filters reduce the data of a specific visualization only. Other visualizations, even if they are created on the same dataset, don’t get impacted by the Visualization level filters.
Let’s take an example of a dashboard created to analyze Jira issues with multiple visualizations like Work Status (Bar Chart), Assignee contribution (Bar Chart), Work Category (Donut Chart), and Issue Details (Card view).
Apply Visualization Level Filters
To show the issues where status is “Open” in the Bar chart, you can apply Visualization level filters as shown below.
- Select the Bar chart ‘Work Status’, and open ‘Visualizations’ Panel (Data Panel opens automatically with it.)
- Click on the
icon to go to “Visualization Level Filters” tab.
- Drag the “Status” column from Data Panel and drop it on the Visualizations Panel’s “Data Scope Filters” section.
- Select the filter criteria “Is equal to” from the drop-down list.
The drop-down menu will provide options based on the data type of the selected column:
a. Numeric and Date & Time data
b. Text Data
- Type-in “Open” in the next field.
- You can specify multiple values (comma separated) in this field. For example, if you type-in “Open, In Progress” then rows where status is equal to “Open” or “In Progress” will be shown in the Bar chart.
- You can add multiple columns to apply filters, by repeating the same steps.
- You can see that the other visualizations on the dashboard do not get affected, when you apply Visualization level filters on the Bar chart.
Remove Visualization Level Filters
- Select the visualization, open the ‘Visualizations’ Panel.
- Click on the
icon to see the applied filters.
- Click on
in data scope filters.
The following figure shows the effect of removing the first filter: