Exploration History shows details of all the operations and Templates run in an Exploration. These details are shown in counter chronological order. Entries in the History Panel are immutable, hence can be used as an audit log of the Exploration.
Click on the ‘History’ Panel to see the following details:
- Operation Details
- Name of the operation/Template.
- Status - Waiting, Processing, Completed, Failed, or Aborted.
- User Id of the user who performed this operation.
- Execution Start and End Date-Time.
- Service Name (Tool from which data was fetched).
- Datasets generated by this operation.
- Number of records generated by this operation.
- Visualizations present on each of these datasets.
- Visually correlate all the views across different pages/containers.
The following actions can be performed from ‘History’ Panel:
- Abort or Re-Execute operations.
- Filter the history for a time range.
- Search the history.
- Navigate to a visualization.
- View ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ operations from ‘History’ Panel:
- You can see the order of operations in the Exploration.
- As shown below, hover the mouse over an operation to see the operations executed before and after this operation, marked as ‘Previous’ and ‘Next’ respectively.
Execution Graph
Execution graph is the network graph of the relationship between operations performed, datasets generated by these operations and the formulas applied to them.
- Click on “View Execution Graph” link in the History Panel.
- Execution graph shows nodes for operations, datasets and formulae. Each type of node is shown in a different color.
- The edges between operation and dataset nodes are solid.
- The edge from the operation node to the dataset node represents that an operation generated this data.
- The edges between dataset and formula(e) nodes are dotted.
- When edge is from dataset node to formula node, it represents that formula(e) is using column(s) of this dataset for computation.
- When the edge is from formula node to dataset node, it represents that formula will add a computed column(s) in this dataset.
- You can Zoom In, Zoom Out, and Pan the graph. Also Relayout and Filter the nodes by type.
- View following details of operations, datasets, and formula by selecting their nodes:
- Operations : Status, Start and End time and operation parameters.
- Datasets : Columns, and visualizations created on this dataset.
- Formulas : Dataset name, computed column name, last execution status and the formula.