Klera lets you create multi-page Explorations. These Explorations can be saved as reusable Templates. Refer here to learn more about Templates.
How to Create a Template from your Exploration
- In the menu bar, click on Templates > New Template.
- A form will pop-up on your screen, as shown below.
- Once you have entered all the details, click ‘Save’.
You need to provide the following inputs:
- Template Name- Provide a name for your Template.
- Description- A summary about the purpose, and business value of the Template.
- Tags - Add relevant tags. These tags can be used to search for a Template.
- Pages to save: Select the pages of your Exploration to be included in the Template:
- All
- Current Page
- Specify the page numbers to be included in the Template. (Press Shift key to select range of pages). You can include only continuous pages.
- Discovery On: Each Exploration has an execution graph which is a series of operations that generate a series of datasets. The datasets from where the execution graph starts are called root datasets. You can choose any one of the root datasets for Discovery On field.
How is it useful: After creating a Template with this setting, whenever an operation generates the same type of data, Klera will discover this Template as a result, in the View Panel. You can run this Template from the View Panel. Refer here to learn more about how to run a Template. - Register As Operation:
Select “Register as Operation” option to create a Template that can be run from “Explore Here” box in the product header. You can also run this Template from the context-sensitive menu under “ Template” option.
7. Include Story
Select the “Include Story” option to save the Story along with the Template. All the Story Points present on selected pages will be included in the Template.
To learn more, refer to section- Create a Story
How to Run a Template
Refer here to learn more about how to run Templates.
Manage Templates
To get the list of all Templates available to you,
- Go to menu bar and click Templates > Manage.
- Bring the list of Templates on the Floor. This will contain all the Templates created by you and published by other users to you.
You can perform the following operations on the list of Templates:
- Delete Template
- Export Template
- Publish Template
- Rename Template
Delete Template
Right-click on the Template name and select Delete Template.
Click ‘Yes’ on confirmation prompt to delete the Template. Please note that Delete Template is an irreversible operation.
Export Template
The ‘Export’ option allows you to download the Template on your machine. This downloaded Template can be imported to another Klera instance. This becomes a convenient way to migrate Templates from one instance to another. For example, you can test a Template on staging environment then migrate it to production. This is also useful in taking a backup of your Template.
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Right-click on the Template name and select Export Template.
- Template download will start and save “. Template”/ “.Templatex” file on your machine.
- You can now import this file to another instance of Klera or share it with other users.
Rename Template
- Right-click on the Template name and select Rename Template.
- Provide a new name in “Template Name” text box and click Rename.
Publish a Template
You can share Templates with other users of the same Klera instance with “Publish Template” option.
- Right-click on the Template name and select Publish Template.
- An input form will pop-up. Select the desired users and roles to whom you want to publish the Template.
- Click on Publish.
- The users to whom you have published the Template will receive a notification.
Import Templates
This option lets you Import an “.Template”/”.Templatex” file from your local storage into Klera. Refer here to know about how to export a Template.
- On the menu bar, select Templates > Import.
- Click Browse and select the Template file (. Template/.Templatex) you want to import.
- Click on Import.
- The imported Template is now available for your use.