Supported version: Community, Enterprise & Core (Server) from 12.9 till 15.7.0
API Rate Limit: 2000 requests per minute
Prerequisite : GitLab user using which token is generated should have minimum Developer roles and permission.
Supported Authentication: Token authentication
To Generate token for GitLab Server follow below steps:
- Login to GitLab Server.
- Go to Settings-> Access Tokens.
- Fill the following details :
- Under name field give any user friendly name like “Klera GitLab App”.
- Set an expiry time of the token.
- Select the following scopes : api, read_user, read_repository, read_api, sudo.
Click on create personal access token.
- Copy the generated token from the top of the screen and save it. We will need this token while configuring the data source on the klera.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure your GitLab Server instance must be accessible from the Klera Machine.
To configure GitLab connector using Token based authentication, follow the steps below:-
- Enter your GitLab Server URL for example
- Select “Create New Account” and add user friendly name for account “GitLab Server Account”
- Check "Pass Parameter(s) in Header" and enter followings:
- Token Parameter key : "Private-Token"
- value : <Your Token>
- Click on “Save”.