Supported version: Cloud
- Python Script Integration Service deployed on the Klera.
- Below libraries available on the Klera:
a. jsonpath_ng
b. boto3
Please note that to install these packages, the user is required to perform one time activity on the Klera Machine and below commands are required to execute on the python terminal:
a. "pip install jsonpath-ng" to install jsonpath_ng package.
b. "pip install boto3" to install boto3 package. - All the required roles and permissions for the AWS CostExplorer.
- Client Id and Client Secret for the AWS CostExplorer.
IMPORTANT: Please make sure your AWS CostExplorer instance must be accessible from the Klera Machine.
The following 3 API's must be enabled on the policy defined for your IAM user at AWS CostExplorer:
1. ce:GetDimensionValues
2. ce:GetCostAndUsage
3. ce:GetTags
Operation Details:
Below are the list of all the python scripts operation for the AWS CostExplorer:
S.No | Operation Name | Description |
1 | All Tags | Get list of all the Tags in AWS CostExplorer. |
2 | Get Tags Values | Get the values of a Tag in AWS CostExplorer. |
3 | Get Cost and Usage Details | Get the details regarding Cost and Usage in AWS CostExplorer. |
4 | All Dimension Values | Get all the values of a Dimension in AWS CostExplorer. |
Steps to use AWS CostExplorer on the Klera:
The user needs to follow the below steps:
- The user needs to upload the CostExplorer App on the Klera and in return it will auto-register all the python scripts on the Klera.
- The user needs to right click on the floor and needs to go to the Scripts->Operations-> AWS CostExplorer.
- It will expose all the scripts operations here and the user can run any operation of his/her choice.