Supported version: Till 1.29 Server
API Rate Limit: No limit
IMPORTANT: Please make sure your Kubernetes instance must be accessible from the Klera Machine.
Supported Authentication: Token- based authentication
How to generate Kubernetes token :
In order to generate the Kubernetes token, you need to follow below steps:
1. Choose your k8s cluster:
NOTE: Use the IP generated by this command to configure the datasource in klera in the later section of this article.
NOTE: Save the generated Bearer Token to configure the datasource in klera in the later section of this article.
Configure Kubernetes Datasource on Klera :
To configure Kubernetes Connector using token based authentication:
- Enter Kubernetes URL : <IP Address : Port Number>
For example: - Select “Create New Account” and add user friendly name for account “Kubernetes Account”
- Check "Pass Parameter(s) in Header" and enter followings:
- Token Parameter Key : "Authorization"
- value : Bearer<SPACE><Your Token>
- Click on “Save”.
NOTE: The token used in the image is the sample token and the length of your generated token may vary.