Supported version: Cloud.
API Rate Limit:
Supported Authentication: OAuth 2.0 Authentication
To register an app in Webex for OAuth 2.0, follow these steps:
1. Create a Cisco Webex Developer Account:
- Go to the [Webex for Developers site( and sign in with your Cisco Webex account. If you don't have one, create a new account.
2. Create a New Integration (App):
- After signing in, go to the "My Apps" section from the top menu.
- Click "Create a New App".
- Choose "Integration" from the available options.
3. Fill in the App Details:
- Name: Enter a name for your app.
- Description: Provide a short description.
- App Logo: Upload a logo if needed (optional).
- Redirect URI(s): Specify the URI where the authorization code should be sent after authentication. This is required for OAuth 2.0 flows.
(e.g.,Gathr Callback URL-
- Scopes: Select the required scopes based on the Webex APIs your app needs to access (e.g., “spark:rooms_read”, “spark:people_read”).
4. Get the Client ID and Secret:
- Once you've filled in the app details and scopes, Webex will generate a “Client ID” and “Client Secret”. Keep the credentials saved somewhere it will need to Authentication the Connector on Gathr.
1. This URL should be accessible from the client machine. Machine from where the user is logged into Gathr.
2. Need to add port 48444 to the Firewall/Security systems whitelist.
3. Please make sure your Webex Connector instance must be accessible from the Gathr Machine.
Steps to configure the connection of the connector:
Right-click on Connector >> Connections >> Configure>> Oauth2 Authentication.
Enter the following details in the form:
a. Instance URL:
b. Enter Application Key: Client ID
c. Enter Application Secret: Client Secret
d. Authorization URL:
e. Access Token URL:
f. Domain for Callback Authentication: Validate HostName with Domain Name.
g. Scope: spark:all identity:groups_read meeting:admin_schedule_read
h. Click on ‘Save’.
i. On clicking ‘Save’, a pop-up will appear which requires Webex user to login using the credentials and choose ‘Allow access’ if asked in the pop-up window.
Important: Please make sure, the pop-up is not blocked by the chrome browser.