Q: Do I need admin rights to install Klera?
A: Yes.
Q: Can the installation path be directly a drive?
A: No, the installation path cannot be directly a drive but a folder on it.
Q: What do I do on encountering error message during installation?
A: In this case, we recommend re-installing Klera. Ensure that the pre-requisites, as specified in the “Pre-requisites” section are met before re-initiating the installation. If the error(s) persists, please note the error code(s) and text displayed, and contact support at support@klera.io.
You can also share the log files generated at the following path: <Installation_PATH>\Klera\KleraLogs
Q: Is it mandatory to restart the system after installing Klera?
A: Yes.
Q: Do I have any specific network requirement for Klera?
A: Yes, please ensure that firewall has been configured to allow connections to ports 18080, 48444, 48446, 18083 & 18089.
Q: I received the message “Klera has been successfully installed on your computer.” and rebooted my system. However, I am still unable to access Klera from my browser, any basic troubleshooting before contacting support?
A: The system may require a brief initialization period after restart. Please wait for a few minutes and try again. If the problem persists, please contact support at support@klera.io
Q: Can I launch Klera from the host machine?
A: It is recommended that Klera should be launched from the remote machine.
Q: What are my default login credentials?
A: The default login credentials for the admin account of Klera are
- Username: admin
- Password: admin
Q: Upon launching Klera, I see a license error. Any basic troubleshooting before contacting support?
A: Confirm that you have activated Klera with a valid license key. If the problem persists, please make a note of the error code(s) and text displayed, then share it with us at support@klera.io
Q: How can I check my license validity?
A: You can check the validity period of your license by logging into Klera and accessing Help -> License from Menu Bar. A popup will appear showing license details along with the expiry date. Click ‘Extend License’ to extend your license before it gets expired.
Q: How do I uninstall Klera?
A: To uninstall Klera, navigate to the location "<Install Path>\Klera\" and double-click on the uninstaller file "Uninstall.exe".
Q: Is there any effect on already-installed applications when installing Klera?
A: Klera requires compatible versions of some applications, like Java, RabbitMQ, etc. If the system has a different version of these applications already installed, they will be replaced during the installation process, with versions compatible with Klera.
Q: Which URL should be whitelisted for Klera Store?
A: Klera store is hosted on https://appstore.klera.io/klera .This URL should be accessible from client machine and should be whitelisted from Klera instance.
For assistance and feedback, please contact our help desk at support@klera.io
Additional Resources
Klera Community: https://community.klera.io/
Klera Support Portal: https://support.klera.io/
Learning Resources: https://support.klera.io/hc/en-us/categories/360000114574-Learning-Center (sign in required)