Supported version: Cloud & Server 4.3.0.
API Rate Limit: No limit.
Supported Authentication: Token- based authentication
How to generate QMetry API Key:
1. Log into Jira UI.
2. Select QMetry option from the top and go to Configuration option from the left panel and then select your Project from the dropdown.
3. Click on Open API section from the left panel.
4. Click on Generate and your API Key will be generated.
Steps to configure QMetry using token based authentication(using Username & Password):
1. Enter your QMetry URL(Jira Instance) for e.g. :
2. Select “Create New Account” and add user friendly name for account for e.g. QMetry Account.
3. Check "Pass Parameter(s) in Header" and enter the following Token parameters :
Key: apiKey
Value: < Your API Key >
for ex. xyzabcdefghijklm
Click the plus icon ('+') present at the end of this row to add a new token parameter
and add
Key: Authorization
Value: Basic <Space> < Base64 encoded string of jiraUserName:jiraPassword>
for ex. Basic xyzabcdefghijklm==
4. Click on “Save".
Steps to configure QMetry using token based authentication(using Token):
1. Enter your QMetry URL(Jira Instance) for e.g. :
2. Select “Create New Account” and add user friendly name for account for e.g. QMetry Account.
3. Check "Pass Parameter(s) in Header" and enter the following Token parameters :
Key: apiKey
Value: < Your API Key >
for ex. xyzabcdefghijklm
Click the plus icon ('+') present at the end of this row to add a new token parameter
and add
Key: Authorization
Value: Bearer <Space> < Generated Token>
for ex. Bearer xyzabcdefghijklm==
4. Click on “Save".